
Are you thinking about hiring an attorney due to an accident or personal injury? Learn more about what to expect from the process.

Steps To Take When Seeking Compensation For Injuries Your Child Sustained In A Car Accident

13 January 2017
 Categories: , Blog

A car accident can be a traumatic event at any time when you're driving, but when your child is a passenger in the vehicle and is injured, it can be a  parent's worst nightmare. If it is found that the other driver is at fault for the car accident, his or her insurance company will be responsible for paying for your child's medical expenses and possibly for any pain and suffering. Read More …

Facebook Strikes Again: A Plaintiff’s Own Words Come Back with a Bite

12 January 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If there's any caution that bears repeating to litigants (or anyone who thinks that they might ever become a litigant) it's, "Watch what you put on Facebook." The defense attorneys are going to comb through everything you've posted as far back as they need to to try to defend their client. There may be something in there that you've forgotten that could be lethal to your case. That's one of the unfortunate lessons a Pennsylvania woman learned when her recent medical malpractice lawsuit was thrown out of court. Read More …

2 Inexcusable But Common Reasons Truck Drivers Kill Others On The Road

11 January 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Getting behind the wheel of a motor vehicle is a huge responsibility. A truck is essentially a weapon if used irresponsibly, and it can quickly kill a lot of innocent people. Accident and personal injury attorneys know all too well because they see the aftermath of truck crashes, and the devastation it can cause. All it takes is one stupid mistake, and a truck driver could accidentally take the lives of others they encounter on the road. Read More …

Proving Negligent Supervision And Retention Of Employees

10 January 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Negligent supervision and retention is a legal principle that holds employers responsible for their employees' mistakes. If you are injured by an employee's negligence, you should investigate whether to hold both the employee and their employer liable for your injuries. Here are four ways of proving such a claim: Permitting Misconduct This is what happens if one employee misbehaves in the supervisor's presence, but the supervisor doesn't do anything to stop the behavior. Read More …

Know Your Options After Military Injury

10 January 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Not all military injuries end with medical discharge or guaranteed disability. If you're able to pass a general physical--which can miss many conditions if you're not aware of a problem--the military can send you to a new civilian life with a lot of unanswered questions and conditions that need treatment. Thankfully, Veterans Affairs (VA) knows of these problems and can help you get the help you need, but it's no simple task. Read More …

About Me
Important Questions Answered About Hiring Accident Attorneys

Hi, my name is Sarah Reynolds, and if you have questions about hiring an accident and personal injury attorney, you'll find the answers here. A few years ago, my husband was involved in an accident at work, and we decided to hire an attorney. Through this process, I learned so much about the legal system and why it's important to have an attorney on your side. The paperwork is overwhelming in itself, and it was hard for my husband and I to understand all the legal jargon. If you're thinking about hiring an attorney due to an accident or personal injury, you should first read my blog. I wanted others to learn this information beforehand, so they'll know what to expect when hiring an attorney and so they'll know the importance of legal representation.
